When 3+1 is not equal to 4 !

Sometimes we find the basic rules of mathematics beyond reasonable. This happens only during unique cases. One such case is related to the "3+1" rule associated with Asian football. Every Indian football club has been part of this bogie but differed on other platforms. One such platform is the league system, here the rule was different and created a paralysis for the growth of Indian football but was pleasant to the eyes. Whenever our teams went for the international glory, they failed to shine even with the brightest stars. It was quite visible that the layers of the coat which was sufficient for the 10° atmosphere failed to shield on days with negative temperatures. Our players jammed in the cold of the other team's quality and the heat of the pressure along with expectations. Bengaluru football club did fight to break the ice but it was not enough to melt the hard structure of superiority. We can see that after 2016, our clubs have per...